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The Mia Foundation


by Sue Rogers on 09/27/12

My very first Blog!

Comments (2)

1. Josh said on 9/29/12 - 09:03PM
Sue, I'm so sorry about Molly. As sad as I was about her passing, I couldn't help but feel comfort in knowing that she received more love in her short 19 days than some animals get in years. I was so glad her eyes opened when they did. She got to see the beautiful woman whose soothing voice and gentle touch had become her source of strength, love, and comfort. She got to see the tender hands that gently held and caressed her. And she got to see her big brother Max, who tried to teach her how to play. Her days were blessed, as was she. Thank God for you Sue, and 'The Mia Foundation.' Keep up the FANTASTIC WORK!
2. Lynette said on 10/1/12 - 03:08AM
oh Josh what beautiful words.....

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